Welcome to the website home of the Eden Mills Going Carbon Neutral Youth Group & Club Go Green!
“We are all part of the web of life and whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves.”
The Eden Mills Carbon Neutral Youth Group is a co-ed group for secondary school aged students. We believe we are all part of the web of life and that we can affect it in a positive way.

Presentation of Youth Group at the Carbon Neutral Launch 2007
Songs to inspire Going Carbon Neutral…
Poem for the Ancient Trees
On Earth Day we plant trees in Eden Mills. In 2008, on Earth Day, we read this poem which helps tell the story of our commitment to Going Carbon Neutral.

The Eden Mills Eco Conference, Activating Your Environmental Voice
On October 19, 2009 The Eden Mills Carbon Neutral Youth Group and the Community Environmental Leadership Program co-hosted an environmental workshop at Camp Edgewood in Eden Mills.

Club Go Green
Club Go Green was established at Rockwood Centennial Public School in 2007. Children learned about conservation and actually weighed their school lunch garbage and set about reducing the amount. A year later, because of the success of the activities at Rockwood Centennial School this year, the school has been selected by the Upper Grand District School Board as one of five schools (out of a school board of 70 schools) to pilot the Eco-Schools Programme next year.

Rockwood Centennial Public School
First Ever…
Green Legacy Gold School Award