What other communities are doing:
Ashton Hayes: http://goingcarbonneutral.co.uk/
Transition Guelph: http://www.transitionguelph.org
Peterborough Green-Up: http://www.greenup.on.ca
Aylmer, Ontario – Grassroots: http://www.grassrootseffect.ca/index.htm
Community Renewable Energy Waterloo – Visit the website to learn more about current workshops, information, services and activities: http://www.crewzone.ca
Toronto: http://www.projectneutral.org
Sharing the Eden Mills’ experience

“Green” Services:
Bullfrog Power: http://www.bullfrogpower.com/
Township of Centre Wellington Hydro and the Ontario Power Authority – Free old “fridge” pick-up:
Book on line at: http://everykilowattcounts.ca
or call 1-877-797-9473
How do governments help?
Ontario Ministries
Environment: http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/en/index.php
Energy and Infrastructure: http://www.mei.gov.on.ca/english/
Ontario Ministry of Education – Ready, Set, Green – Tips, Techniques and Resources from Ontario Educators
(Eden Mills Handbook, So, You Want to Go Carbon Neutral? It Takes a Village! describes exciting initiatives in the Upper Grand District School Board, inspired by Eden Mills project leaders since the publication of the Ministry publication.)
Environment Canada: http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/or-home.html
Wellington County: Green Legacy Nursery
Check out pages 18-19 of our guide for even more links…
Educational Online Courses
University of Canterbury, Nature and Environment Courses: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/sustainability-energy-transition
Cedar: http://www.cedarmagazine.com/issues.htm
One Thousand Trees: http://www.onethousandtrees.com
Conservation Biology for All: http://www.mongabay.com/conservation-biology-for-all.html
CAA 2010 Edition – Driving Costs: Beyond the price tag: Understanding your vehicle’s expenses
Local Food
Guelph-Wellington Local Food Resources: http://www.guelphwellingtonlocalfood.ca/
What are you doing to Go Carbon Neutral?
Please submit your link information and we’ll post it here.