In Eden Mills we use energy produced by fossil fuels every day. We use electricity, oil and gas to run, heat and cool our homes and provide our transportation. When we reduce our use of these non-renewable sources of energy, we will reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and we will save money. We will also be preparing for the time when the earth’s supply of fossil fuels is depleted.
We have identified lots of habits we can change easily which will begin the process of conservation. In Eden Mills, we began with 10 Easy Steps.
Then we started to look deeper into ways we could reduce and conserve.
- We found some good information resources.
- Workshops: We began to learn more about conserving energy through practical workshops on Geo-thermal Heating, Electricity, Home Energy Conservation and Biofuels.
- Children and Youth: We made sure our youth and children were involved and learning too.
- Eden Mills Youth Group was established. High school students from the community meet twice a month to discuss environmental issues and to take on going carbon neutral projects.
- Sharing news: We learned from our neighbours…neighbours who had straw bale houses, who had their washing on the line, or who had purchased energy-efficient or hybrid vehicles.
- Handbook: In collaboration with Peterborough Green-Up we published a handbook, Empowering Your Home, An Introduction to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency by Rheanna Leckie and Michael Conboy.
- Bike Trails: Working with the Township of Guelph-Eramosa we encouraged the development of a bike trail from Eden Mills to the local elementary school 3 miles away.
- Local Transportation: We got some efficient driving tips, and began to car pool more often.
- Local Food: We developed a list of local food outlets and farms.
Building Construction
Green Classrooms: Faced with a mushrooming number of inefficient and unhealthy portables on our local school grounds, we developed the concept of The Green Classroom, portables built with energy-efficiency in mind, and introduced it to the Upper Grand District School Board.